Open Access Article
Journal of Advances in Clinical Nursing. 2023; 2: (4) ; 5-8 ; DOI: 10.12208/j.jacn.20230142.
Application effect of rapid rehabilitation mode nursing in patients with femoral neck fracture surgery
姚夏青 *
北京积水潭医院贵州医院骨六病区 北京
姚夏青,单位:北京积水潭医院贵州医院骨六病区 北京;
发布时间: 2023-04-24 总浏览量: 291
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目的 分析、探究为股骨胫骨折手术患者实施快速康复模式护理的应用成效。方法 选取我院2017.3-2018.3月期间收治的119例股骨颈骨折患者为研究对象,依据随机数表法将所有研究对象分为对照组与观察组,为对照组提供常规性护理,在对照组护理基础之上为观察组提供快速康复模式护理,对比两组患者下床活动时间、住院天数、生活质量改善情况及负性情绪改善情况。结果 经护理干预后发现,观察组患者下床活动时间为(6.54±0.71)短于对照组的(8.69±1.26);同时观察组的住院时间为(8.41±0.69),同样短于对照组的(12.36±0.89),两组时间对比具有统计学差异(P<0.05);经护理干预后发现,两组生活质量均有改善,观察组的生活质量量表评分高于对照组(P<0.05);经护理干预后发现,两组患者的抑郁、焦虑情绪都有缓解,且观察组的改善情况更优于对照组(P<0.05)。结论 在股骨颈骨折患者围术期期间为其提供快速康复模式护理将缩短患者群体的下床活动时间及住院时间,同时还可有效改善患者的生活质量及负性情绪,具有理想的应用价值。
关键词: 快速康复模式;股骨胫骨折;手术;应用效果
Objective To analyze and explore the application effect of rapid rehabilitation mode nursing for patients with femoral and tibial fractures. Methods 119 patients with femoral neck fracture admitted to our hospital during 2017.3 to 2018.3 were selected as the research objects. According to the method of random number table, all the subjects were divided into control group and observation group. Routine nursing was provided for the control group, and rapid rehabilitation mode nursing was provided for the observation group based on the nursing of the control group. The time to get out of bed, the number of days in hospital, the improvement of quality of life and the improvement of negative emotion were compared between the two groups. Results After nursing intervention, observation group was (6.54±0.71) shorter than control group (8.69±1.26). At the same time, the length of hospitalization in the observation group was (8.41±0.69), which was also shorter than that in the control group (12.36±0.89), and the difference between the two groups was statistically significant (P < 0.05). After nursing intervention, the quality of life in both groups was improved, and the quality of life scale score in the observation group was higher than that in the control group (P < 0.05). After nursing intervention, it was found that depression and anxiety were relieved in both groups, and the improvement in the observation group was better than that in the control group (P < 0.05). Conclusion Providing rapid rehabilitation nursing for patients with femoral neck fracture during perioperative period will shorten the time of getting out of bed and staying in hospital, and also can effectively improve the quality of life and negative emotions of patients, which has ideal application value.
Key words: Rapid rehabilitation mode; Femoral tibial fracture; An operation; Application effect
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