



Open Access Article

Journal of Advances in Clinical Nursing. 2023; 2: (3) ; 117-119 ; DOI: 10.12208/j.jacn.20230134.

Effect of CICARE based communication nursing model on service quality and cognitive functionof children with autoimmune encephalitis

作者: 张小丽 *

常州市儿童医院 江苏常州

*通讯作者: 张小丽,单位:常州市儿童医院 江苏常州;

发布时间: 2023-03-25 总浏览量: 231


目的 探究针对自身免疫性脑炎患儿,实施CICARE沟通护理模式,对患儿护理质量及认知功能产生的影响及作用。方法 从2021年8月~2022年12月我院收治的自身免疫性脑炎患儿中,随机挑选出86例作为研究对象,分为对照组(43例,常规护理)与观察组(43例,CICARE沟通护理模式),比较两组护理效果。结果 观察组基础护理、健康教育、沟通技巧、服务态度、护理操作以及工作责任心评分均高于对照组,差异具备显著性(P<0.05);观察组护理后智商(IQ)及记忆商(MQ)评分均高于对照组,差异明显(P<0.05);观察组总依从率(97.67%)高于对照组(79.07%),差异具备显著性(P<0.05)。结论 实施CICARE沟通护理模式,有助于提高自身免疫性脑炎患儿的护理质量,改善患儿认知功能,提高依从性,值得推广。

关键词: CICARE沟通护理模式;自身免疫性脑炎;服务质量;认知功能


Objective To explore the impact and role of CICARE communication nursing model on the quality of nursing and cognitive function of children with autoimmune encephalitis.
Methods From August 2021 to December 2022, 86 children with autoimmune encephalitis admitted to our hospital were randomly selected as study subjects and divided into control group (43 cases, routine nursing) and observation group (43 cases, CICARE communication nursing mode), and the nursing effects of the two groups were compared.
Results The scores of basic nursing, health education, communication skills, service attitude, nursing operation and work responsibility in the observation group were significantly higher than those in the control group (P; The scores of IQ and MQ in the observation group after nursing were higher than those in the control group (P; The total compliance rate of the observation group (97.67%) was significantly higher than that of the control group (79.07%) (P<0.05).
Conclusion   The implementation of the CICARE communication nursing model is helpful to improve the quality of nursing care for children with autoimmune encephalitis, improve their cognitive function and improve their compliance, which is worthy of promotion.

Key words: CICARE communication nursing mode; Autoimmune encephalitis; Service quality; cognitive function

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