



Open Access Article

Journal of Advances in Clinical Nursing. 2023; 2: (2) ; 143-145 ; DOI: 10.12208/j.jacn.20230091.

The influence of mental health guidance on maternal sleep quality

作者: 何琴 *, 刘媛媛, 宋梅

南充市中心医院 四川南充

*通讯作者: 何琴,单位:南充市中心医院 四川南充;

发布时间: 2023-02-27 总浏览量: 399


目的 探究心理健康指导对于帮助产妇提升睡眠质量应用价值。方法 2021年3月至2022年5月,择取我院产科102例产妇分为观察组(普通护理)与参照组(心理健康指导),对比护理效果。结果 观察组产妇正面情绪状态优于参照组,(P<0.05);观察组产妇身份认同感高于参照组,(P<0.05);观察组睡眠质量改善程度高于参照组,(P<0.05)。结论 心理健康指导工作的开展,可帮助产妇适应身份转变,改善情绪状态进而提升睡眠质量,值得推广。

关键词: 心理健康;产妇护理;睡眠质量


Objective To explore the application value of mental health guidance in helping parturients to improve sleep quality.
Methods From March 2021 to May 2022, 102 parturients in the obstetric department of our hospital were selected and divided into observation group (general nursing) and reference group (mental health guidance) to compare the nursing effect.
Results The positive emotional state in the observation group was better than that in the reference group (P < 0.05). The maternal identity of observation group was higher than that of reference group (P < 0.05). The improvement of sleep quality in observation group was higher than that in reference group (P < 0.05).
Conclusion   The development of mental health guidance can help parturient women adapt to the change of identity, improve their emotional state and improve the quality of sleep, which is worth promoting.

Key words: mental health; Maternal care; Quality of sleep

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何琴, 刘媛媛, 宋梅, 心理健康指导在对产妇睡眠质量的影响[J]. 临床护理进展, 2023; 2: (2) : 143-145.