



Open Access Article

Journal of Advances in Clinical Nursing. 2023; 2: (2) ; 86-88 ; DOI: 10.12208/j.jacn.20230073.

Optimization of environmental management of nucleic acid centralized sampling points

作者: 袁明静, 胡爽 *

贵州医科大学附属医院 贵州贵阳

*通讯作者: 胡爽,单位:贵州医科大学附属医院 贵州贵阳;

发布时间: 2023-02-27 总浏览量: 320


目的 分析我院核酸集中采集点的环境及物质配备等问题,旨在进一步优化采样点环境管理,杜绝院内感染的发生。方法 回顾性分析2020年1月-2020年12月间的我院核酸集中采集点核酸采集的数量,分析高峰采集月份,拟增设采集窗口,通过核酸集中采集点的环境管理流程优化,进一步达到全程标准预防。结果 环境管理优化后,医护人员和核酸采集者对核酸采集点环境的满意度均较高,分别为98.26%、98.54%。结论 通过严格的环境布局及消毒管理,可很好的保证核酸采样安全性及标本的无菌性,对保障疫情期间的医疗安全有重要作用。

关键词: 核酸;核酸集中采集点;环境;新型冠状病毒肺炎;满意度;效果


Objective To analyze the environment and material allocation of the nucleic acid centralized collection points in our hospital, so as to further optimize the environmental management of the sampling points and eliminate the occurrence of hospital infection.
Methods Retrospective analysis was made on the number of nucleic acids collected at the centralized nucleic acid collection points in our hospital from January 2020 to December 2020. Analysis was made on the peak collection months. It was proposed to add a collection window. Through the optimization of the environmental management process of the centralized nucleic acid collection points, the whole process of prevention was further achieved.
Results After the optimization of environmental management, medical staff and nucleic acid collectors were satisfied with the environment of nucleic acid collection sites, which were 98.26% and 98.54% respectively.
Conclusion   Through strict environmental layout and disinfection management, the safety of nucleic acid sampling and sterility of samples can be well guaranteed, which plays an important role in ensuring medical safety during the epidemic situation.

Key words: Nucleic acid; Nucleic acid centralized collection point; environment Novel coronavirus pneumonia Satisfaction; effect

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