目的 探究PBL教学法在甲乳外科护理教学中的应用效果,并针对其对带教质量的影响展开分析。方法 筛选2020年10月——2022年5月以来,在我院甲乳外科进行实习的护生106名纳入本次研究。并以掷骰子方式作为分组标准,将其分成两组,即参照组(53名)与研究组(53名)。给予参照组护生实施LBL教学法,给予研究组护生实施PBL教学法。统计两种模式的应用效果,并对相关数据展开系统化分析和对比。结果 组间比较,研究组的理论知识、操作技能评分更高;各项护理能力评分更理想;且研究组总满意度高于参照组。结论 相比于其他教学方法,PBL教学法的应用效果更为显著,不仅能提升实习护生的综合能力,还能促进带教质量的同步提升,因此,获得了护生的高度认可与配合。
关键词: PBL教学法;甲乳外科;护理教学;带教质量
Objective To explore the application effect of PBL teaching method in nursing teaching of nail and breast surgery, and analyze its influence on teaching quality. Methods From October 2020 to May 2022, 106 nursing students who had practiced in the Department of nail and breast surgery in our hospital were selected and included in this study. They were divided into two groups, namely the reference group (53 participants) and the research group (53 participants). The nursing students in the reference group were given LBL teaching method and the nursing students in the research group were given PBL teaching method. The application effects of the two modes are analyzed and compared systematically. Results The scores of theoretical knowledge and operational skills of the study group were higher than those of the other groups. The nursing ability score is more ideal; The total satisfaction of the study group was higher than that of the reference group. Conclusion Compared with other teaching methods, the application effect of PBL teaching method is more significant. It can not only improve the comprehensive ability of practicing nursing students, but also promote the synchronous improvement of teaching quality. Therefore, it is highly recognized and coordinated by nursing students.
Key words: PBL teaching method; Nail and breast surgery; Nursing teaching; Quality of instruction
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