目的 分析血液净化中心在大数据时代背景中信息化建设管理下的效果。方法 选取2019年2月至2020年2月50例血液透析患者,分析实施信息化管理前后医护人员工作效率、血液透析质量、并发症。结果 ①管理后医生分诊用时、护士上机前准备用时、治疗前评估用时、数据收集用时、数据统计分析与形成报表用时均低于管理前(P<0.05);②管理后血红蛋白、血磷、白蛋白达标例数均高于管理前(P<0.05);③管理后并发症发生率12.00%低于对管理前62.00%(P<0.05)。结论 信息化管理将工作效率显著提升,改善患者病情,降低并发症。
关键词: 工作质量;血液净化中心;并发症;大数据时代;信息化建设;工作效率
Objective To analyze the effect of blood purification center under the information construction management in the background of big data era. Methods 50 hemodialysis patients without information management from February 2019 to February 2020 were selected as the control group, and 50 hemodialysis patients with information management from March 2020 to March 2021 were selected as the observation group. The work efficiency, hemodialysis quality and complications of medical staff in the two groups were compared. Results ① Work quality of medical staff. The time of triage and evaluation after treatment in the observation group were lower than those in the control group (P<0.05); ② The number of cases of hemoglobin, blood phosphorus and albumin reaching the standard in the observation group was higher than that in the control group (P<0.05); ③ The incidence of complications in the observation group was 12.00% lower than that in the control group (62.00%, P<0.05). Conclusion Information management will significantly improve the work efficiency, improve the patient's condition and reduce complications.
Key words: Work quality; Blood Purification Centre; complication; Big data era; Information construction; work efficiency
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