目的 针对于四肢骨折患者,采用快速康复护理方法,分析和研究最终的护理效果。方法 在2020年8月-2021年8月,我院共收治了90例四肢骨折患者,平均分为两个组别,一组是对照组,另一组是观察组,每组中各有四肢骨折患者45例。其中,在对照组中,给予患者常规护理;在观察组中,给予患者快速康复护理,对比两组最终的护理效果。结果 在患者患肢功能方面,包括:躯体功能、关节功能,观察组优于对照组,数值差异性显著,P<0.05,存在一定的统计学意义。在生活质量评分方面,包括:健康水平、心理状态、自理能力、活动能力,观察组均优于对照组,数值差异性显著,P<0.05,存在一定的统计学意义。结论 快速康复护理有助于改善四肢骨折患者的患肢功能,提高患者的生活水平和生活质量,临床中值得大力推广和实践。
关键词: 快速康复护理;四肢骨折患者;患肢功能;生活质量
Objective For patients with limb fracture, rapid rehabilitation nursing method was adopted to analyze and study the final nursing effect. Methods From August 2020 to August 2021, a total of 90 patients with limb fracture were admitted to our hospital, which were divided into two groups on average, and the final nursing effect of the two groups was compared. Results The observation group was superior to the control group in terms of the affected limb function, including body function and joint function, and the numerical difference was significant (P < 0.05), the observation group was superior to the control group, with significant numerical difference (P < 0.05), which had certain statistical significance. Conclusion Rapid rehabilitation nursing is helpful to improve the function of the affected limb and improve the living standard and quality of life of patients with limb fracture. It is worth promoting and practicing in clinical practice.
Key words: Rapid rehabilitation nursing; Function of affected limb; Quality of life
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