目的 围绕预防性护理展开探究,深入剖析预防性护理在骨科手术患者下肢深静脉血栓形成的应用成效,为提升护理质量提供依据和参照。方法 在2021年1月—2022年1月来我院骨科接受手术治疗的患者中,随机抽选90例患者作为研究对象,将其中的45例患者视为对照组,接受常规护理,剩下的45例患者视为观察组,接受预防性护理,最终对比两组患者下肢静脉血栓发生率及患者满意度。其中的预防性护理内容中包含常规护理。结果 实施预防性护理的观察组患者下肢深静脉血栓发生率较低,仅为31.11%,远远好于实施常规护理的对照组患者的55.55%;观察组患者护理满意度为64.44%,远远高于对照组患者的37.77%。以上两组数据差异显著,有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论 预防性护理在骨科手术患者中的应用可以较好防止下肢深静脉血栓的形成,同时可以收获骨科患者的好评,利于缓解紧张的护患关系,有较高应用价值,是常规护理所不能企及的。
关键词: 预防性护理;骨科;手术患者;下肢深静脉血栓
Objective To explore preventive nursing and analyze the application effect of preventive nursing in patients with deep venous thrombosis of lower limbs in orthopedic surgery, so as to provide basis and reference for improving nursing quality. Methods From January 2021 to January 2022, 90 patients were randomly selected from the orthopedics department of our hospital to receive surgical treatment. 45 patients were treated as control group and received routine care, and the remaining 45 patients were treated as observation group and received preventive care. Finally, the incidence of venous thrombosis of lower limbs and patient satisfaction of the two groups were compared. Routine nursing is included in preventive nursing. Results The incidence of lower extremity deep venous thrombosis in the observation group with preventive nursing was lower, only 31.11%, far better than 55.55% in the control group with routine nursing; The nursing satisfaction of patients in the observation group was 64.44%, which was much higher than 37.77% of patients in the control group. There was significant difference between the above two groups (P<0.05). Conclusion The application of preventive nursing in orthopedic surgery patients can better prevent the formation of deep venous thrombosis of lower limbs, and can also harvest the praise of orthopedic patients, which is conducive to easing the tense nurse-patient relationship, and has high application value, which is beyond the reach of conventional nursing.
Key words: Preventive nursing; Orthopedics; Surgical patients; Deep vein thrombosis of lower extremity
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