



Open Access Article

Journal of Advances in Clinical Nursing. 2023; 2: (2) ; 20-23 ; DOI: 10.12208/j.jacn.20230055.

Effect analysis of outpatient health education in the intervention of stroke recurrence risk factors

作者: 刘庆菊, 李蓓 *

贵州医科大学附属医院特需门诊 贵州贵阳

*通讯作者: 李蓓,单位:贵州医科大学附属医院特需门诊 贵州贵阳;

发布时间: 2023-02-02 总浏览量: 354


目的 研究分析脑卒中复发危险因素干预中门诊健康宣教的作用。方法 本次实验开始时间为2021年6月,在2022年9月正式结束,研究人员对60例脑卒中患者进行研究。将双盲对照原则作为本次实验所选患者的分组依据,研究人员在参照组患者护理中不实施门诊健康宣教,在观察组患者护理中实施门诊健康宣教,记录两组患者卒中复发情况、改良美国国立卫生院卒中量表(mNIHSS)评分达标情况、干预前后危险因素正常情况及不良生活方式复发情况,并实施分析对比。结果 参照组及观察组所选患者中卒中复发人数分别为4人及1人,卒中复发率分别为13.33%及3.33%,组间对应数据之间存在着不容忽视的差异,(p<0.05);参照组及观察组所选患者中mNIHSS评分为正常的人数分别为5人及11人,mNIHSS评分达标率分别为16.67%及36.67%,组间对应数据之间的差异是不容忽视的,(p<0.05);参照组及观察组所选患者干预前危险因素正常情况及不良生活方式复发情况方面的数据均无显著的差异,(p>0.05),在干预后,观察组相关数据均优于参照组,差异是不容忽视的,(p<0.05)。结论 在脑卒中复发危险因素干预中门诊健康宣教的作用显著,能够在一定程度上规避危险因素、避免脑卒中复发、改善患者神经缺损情况。

关键词: 脑卒中;复发;危险因素;门诊;健康宣教


Objective To study and analyze the effect of outpatient health education in the intervention of stroke recurrence risk factors.
Methods This trial started in June 2021 and officially ended in September 2022. Researchers studied 60 stroke patients. The double-blind control principle was used as the basis for grouping the selected patients in this experiment. The researchers did not implement outpatient health education in the care of patients in the reference group, but implemented outpatient health education in the care of patients in the observation group. The recurrence of stroke, the standard score of modified National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale (mNIHSS), the normal risk factors before and after intervention, and the recurrence of adverse lifestyle were recorded and compared between the two groups.
Results The number of patients with recurrent stroke in the reference group and the observation group was 4 and 1, respectively, and the recurrence rate of stroke was 13.33% and 3.33%, respectively. There was a significant difference in the corresponding data between the two groups (p < 0.05). The number of patients with normal mNIHSS score was 5 in the reference group and 11 in the observation group, and the rate of achieving the mNIHSS score was 16.67% and 36.67%, respectively. The difference between the corresponding data of the two groups could not be ignored (p < 0.05). Before intervention, there was no significant difference in the data of normal risk factors and recurrence of adverse lifestyle between the reference group and the observation group (p > 0.05). After intervention, the relevant data of the observation group were better than those of the reference group, and the difference could not be ignored (p < 0.05).
Conclusion   Outpatient health education plays a significant role in the intervention of risk factors for stroke recurrence, which can avoid risk factors, avoid stroke recurrence, and improve the neurological defects of patients to a certain extent.

Key words: stroke; Recurrence; Risk factors; Outpatient service; Health education

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刘庆菊, 李蓓, 门诊健康宣教在脑卒中复发危险因素干预中的效果分析[J]. 临床护理进展, 2023; 2: (2) : 20-23.