



Open Access Article

Journal of Advances in Clinical Nursing. 2022; 1: (6) ; 78-81 ; DOI: 10.12208/j.jacn.20220280.

Application of continuous nursing to prevent thrombosis in patients with PICC catheterization

作者: 王丽萍 *, 邓婷丹

南充市中心医院肿瘤科 四川南充

*通讯作者: 王丽萍,单位:南充市中心医院肿瘤科 四川南充;

发布时间: 2022-12-14 总浏览量: 330


目的 探究延续性护理对PICC置管肿瘤患者预防血栓的应用效果。方法 将2020年4月-2022年4月确定为研究时间,将此时间段内,在我院实施诊疗的PICC置管肿瘤患者92例作为参与者纳入本次研究。以掷骰子方式作为分组标准,将其分成两组。即常规组(46例,应用常规出院指导与随访),实验组(46例,在上一组基础上实施延续性护理)。统计两种方式的应用效果,并对相关数据展开系统性分析与比较。结果 常规组发生血栓10例,占比21.74%,实验组发生1例,占比2.17%,二者相比,实验组的血栓发生率更低。同时,实验组的生活质量各项评分更高。因此,实验组的护理模式更受患者与家属的欢迎,获得的满意度也就更高。结论 针对PICC置管肿瘤患者而言,延续性护理使其在出院后依然能享受到专业性护理服务,从而有效减少了血栓的发生比率,使患者的生活质量得到极大改善,获得了患者与家属的高度好评。

关键词: 延续性护理;PICC置管;肿瘤患者;血栓


Objective To explore the effect of continuous nursing on the prevention of thrombosis in patients with PICC catheterized tumor.
Methods The period from April 2020 to April 2022 was determined as the study period. During this time period, 92 patients with PICC catheterized tumors who were treated in our hospital were included in this study as participants. Divide them into two groups by rolling the dice as a grouping criterion. That is, the routine group (46 cases, applying routine discharge guidance and follow-up), the experimental group (46 cases, implementing continuous nursing on the basis of the previous group). The application effects of the two methods are counted, and the relevant data are systematically analyzed and compared.
Results There were 10 cases of thrombosis in the routine group, accounting for 21.74%, and 1 case in the experimental group, accounting for 2.17%. Compared with the two, the incidence of thrombosis in the experimental group was lower. At the same time, the quality of life scores of the experimental group were higher. Therefore, the nursing mode of the experimental group was more popular with patients and their families, and the satisfaction was higher.
Conclusion   For patients with PICC catheterized tumor, continuous nursing enables them to still enjoy professional nursing services after discharge from hospital, thus effectively reducing the incidence of thrombosis, greatly improving the quality of life of patients, and obtaining patients' satisfaction. High praise from family members.

Key words: continuous care; PICC catheterization; tumor patients; thrombosis

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王丽萍, 邓婷丹, 延续性护理对PICC置管肿瘤患者预防血栓的应用[J]. 临床护理进展, 2022; 1: (6) : 78-81.