目的 分析人性化护理用于白血病经外周静脉置入中心静脉导管(以下全部简称“PICC”)置管化疗的价值。方法 对2021年8月-2022年7月本科接诊白血病PICC置管化疗病人(n=74)进行随机分组,试验和对照组各37人,前者采取人性化护理,后者行常规护理。对比依从性等指标。结果 关于依从性,试验组数据97.3%,和对照组数据78.38%之间的差异十分显著(P<0.05)。关于并发症,试验组发生率2.7%,和对照组数据18.92%相比更低(P<0.05)。关于护理质量:试验组数据(98.63±1.02)分,和对照组数据(91.94±2.51)分相比更高(P<0.05)。结论 白血病PICC置管化疗用人性化护理,并发症发生率更低,依从性提升更为迅速,护理质量改善更加明显。
关键词: PICC;白血病;人性化护理;依从性
Objective To analyze the value of humanized care for leukemia through peripheral vein (hereinafter referred to as "PICC"). Methods For PICC and chemotherapy patients (n=74) from August 2021 to July 2022,3 7 patients were in the control group, the former took humanized care, and the latter did routine care. Compare compliance and other indicators. Results Regarding compliance, the difference between 97.3% of the test group data and 78.38% of the control group data was very significant (P <0.05). Regarding complications, the incidence in the trial group was 2.7%, which was lower compared with the data 18.92% data in the control group (P<0.05). On quality of care: the test group data (98.63±1.02) score was higher than the control group data (91.94±2.51) score (P<0.05). Conclusion For leukemia PICC catheterization and chemotherapy, complications rate complication complications, improved compliance and improved quality of care.
Key words: PICC; leukaemia; humanized care; compliance
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