Open Access Article
Journal of Advances in Clinical Nursing. 2022; 1: (5) ; 15-17 ; DOI: 10.12208/j.jacn.20220202.
Application value analysis of high-quality nursing service in senile cerebral infarction nursing
苏薇霞 *,
上海市浦东新区老年医院 上海市
苏薇霞,单位:上海市浦东新区老年医院 上海市;
发布时间: 2022-09-14 总浏览量: 402
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目的 探讨研究优质护理在临床的应用价值,并深入分析将此项护理应用在老年性脑梗死护理中,
验证其有效性。方法 收集 80 例在 2020 年 2 月-2021 年 2 月期间我院收治老年性脑梗死病例,判定其符合纳入标
况、护理满意度情况进行调查,对各项数据进行分析、比较,并将其予以整合做详细阐述。结果 由研究结果数
p 小于 0.05,存在对比性。结论 将优质护理服务运用在老年性脑梗死护理工作中,予以实施科学有效、合理的护
关键词: 老年性脑梗死;优质护理服务;应用价值
】Objective To investigate the clinical application value of high-quality nursing care, and to deeply
analyze the effectiveness of this nursing care in senile cerebral infarction care. Methods After collecting 80 cases of
senile cerebral infarction admitted to our hospital from February 2020 to February 2021, and being judged to meet the
inclusion criteria, a group study was conducted, and the group was named as the control group and the observation group.
First patients were included in the control group, and then patients were included in the observation group. Given the
accuracy and scientific nature of the study, the case data of patients in both groups were complete and different. After the
implementation of different nursing measures, the occurrence of complications and nursing satisfaction of the two groups
were investigated, and the data were analyzed and compared, and integrated and elaborated in detail. Results The results
can be seen from the research results and data. In the statistics of complications and nursing satisfaction, the observation
group were far better than those of the control group, and the data between the groups reached p of less than 0.05, which
was comparative. Conclusion To apply high-quality nursing services in senile cerebral infarction nursing care, to
implement scientific and effective, reasonable and high-quality nursing measures, with remarkable nursing effect, which
can greatly reduce the incidence of complications, and be highly recognized and satisfied by patients.
Key words: Age-induced cerebral infarction; High-quality nursing services; Application value
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