目的 探讨振动排痰仪在急诊ICU高位截瘫无力排痰患者中的应用效果。方法 将我院2021年1月-2022年1月60例急诊ICU高位截瘫无力排痰患者,双盲随机法分二组。对照组给予常规护理,实验组进行振动排痰仪排痰护理。比较效果。结果 实验组血氧饱和度、氧分压、肺功能指标高于对照组,满意度高于对照组,白细胞恢复正常时间、体温恢复正常时间短于对照组,肺部感染发生率低于对照组,P<0.05。结论 急诊ICU高位截瘫无力排痰患者实施振动排痰仪排痰护理效果确切。
关键词: 振动排痰仪;急诊ICU高位截瘫无力排痰患者;应用效果
Objective: To explore the application effect of vibrating expectoration instrument in emergency ICU patients with high paraplegia and inability to expectorate. Methods: From January 2021 to January 2022 in our hospital, 60 patients with high paraplegia and inability to expectorate in emergency ICU were divided into two groups by double-blind random method. The control group was given routine nursing care, and the experimental group was given sputum expectoration nursing with vibration expectoration instrument. Compare effects. Results: The blood oxygen saturation, partial pressure of oxygen, and pulmonary function indexes in the experimental group were higher than those in the control group, and the satisfaction rate was higher than that in the control group. group, P<0.05. Conclusion : The nursing effect of vibrating expectoration instrument for expectoration of sputum in patients with high paraplegia and inability to expectorate in emergency ICU is definite.
Key words: Vibration Sputum Discharge Instrument; Patients With Emergency ICU High Paraplegia; Application Effect
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